Brenna Stallcop

HIGH SCHOOL: Northview




My name is Brenna and this is my second year with DistinXion. I am choosing to play for DistinXon because of how positive the environment is. I made so many friends, got better at basketball, and had so much fun last year. The coaches here are amazing and the Christian-based atmosphere that the program is based on makes it that much better to play for DistinXon. My goal on the court is to be the best I can be, always play my hardest, and be a good teammate. My goals off the court are to get through high school with a high GPA, never lose track of my faith in God, and establish the life skills I need to become a successful adult. After high school, my plan is to find a college that is going to suit my wants and needs for my career, get a good job that I am passionate about, and start a family. My dream job is to be a pediatric occupational therapist. In my free time, I hang out with my friends and family, binge movies, read, and scrapbook. I love the beach and anything to do with warm weather.

Matthew 28:20